Why you should store it all up
Even in the smallest family bathrooms most are complete with an ever increasing range of toiletries and cosmetics which take up considerable space. So how can you keep your bathroom looking clean and tidy without ditching your favourite hair care products?
There are different storage solutions available and depending on the size of the room and how much you have to store will determine which would be most suitable in your home.
Wall hung units
Wall hung units offer a convenient storage option that doesn’t take up too much space so ideal for smaller bathrooms. Some have the added advantage of mirrored fronts and built in lights making it easier to shave and apply make up. Typically any cabinets or other wall hung furniture such as basins and toilets create the illusion that they take up less space in the room as there is more visible floor area. This is worth bearing in mind when choosing a bathroom suite for a smaller than average bathroom. These units are available in a variety of natural looking colours as well as some stand out colours, Roca in particular have some fantastic designs to suit even the boldest tastes.
Basin units
These are another popular space economising solution which incorporates storage beneath the basin. These can be one of several styles- open fronted with shelving or a cabinet with shelving or drawers inside. Shelves are easier to accommodate under a basin as they are less interrupted by the waste, with drawers you either need a waste that goes straight out the back or you need to have a cut out in the drawers to allow for this projection, this will mean losing some of the drawer space and causing them to be more of a U-shape inside. If you are unsure on whether the waste will allow for drawers it is a safer option to choose shelves. Depending on what items you want to store in this unit and if you want them on display or favour a more concealed approach you can choose from an open fronted or closed cabinet design, this is often available as single or double fronted.
Floorstanding cabinets
These cabinets are more suited to larger bathrooms where sufficient space is available and they do not appear overbearing, plentiful storage is provided for an array of products with shelf and drawer designs available.
Take your pick and don’t let your bathroom put you off buying the things that make you look and feel great.