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Bathroom habits lead to arguments

An interesting article on kbbdaily last week indicating that numerous arguments in the household stem from the family’s bathroom habits led us to question whether these can be reduced. Undoubtedly the only way to fully avoid such disputes would be to have individual bathrooms, but given that this is not usually feasible it would seem the best way is to make the bathroom as user friendly as possible.

Toilet rolls not being replaced by the person who ran them out is a big argument starter in households with more than a third admitting to arguing about this with another family member. Bathrooms, even small ones and cloakrooms should have sufficient storage for the essentials such as toilet rolls and cleaning products. This way no matter who uses the last sheet they are always close at hand so there is no excuse not to change the roll.

Incredibly almost one third of women asked confirmed that they had argued with their partner after they had left the toilet seat up. Would soft close toilet seats help with this issue? After all, a gentle nudge would see the seat softly close meaning little effort is required from the offending party and everyone is happy. Not only that, the toilet lid is there for a reason which is to prevent germs being transmitted onto the surrounding surfaces, so actually these women do have a point.

These are just some of the ways to ensure your bathroom is easy to use and keep clean and tidy, consequently reducing the number of arguments in the process. Maybe in the future every household will have its own robot who goes around the house ‘preventing arguments’…