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How to Fit a New Bath

Replacing and fitting a new bath can seem like a formidable task, but a homeowner with some experience and the relevant tools can get the job done themselves if they know how. The most important thing to do is plan ahead. Fitting a bathtub might be expensive, but any mistakes could cause flooding or structural damage, so make sure you understand exactly what needs to be done.

How to Remove the Old Bathtub

Firstly, shut off your water supply. Your bathroom probably has a separate shut-off valves; if not, turn off water for the entire house, and open a lower level tap to remove the remaining pressure. Next, remove the drain and overflow (If the taps are wall mounted you may need to remove these also depending on their height). Get beneath the tub to disconnect the pipes where the drain and overflow meet.

You can now start to remove the surrounding wall surface up to 8-inches above the bath (or one tile course if the tiles are higher than 8-inches above the bath). Tiles can be removed relatively easy, but walls might need to be sawn through. Finally, cut through any caulk with a knife and then use a crowbar to move the tub away from the wall. Pry up each end, getting a friend or partner to help you lift the tub upright, and carefully remove it from the room. Make sure you do your measurements before attempting this; you may need to remove the sink or toilet in order to remove the bath.

How to Install the New Bathtub

Make sure you do all the measurements for the new bathtub prior to purchasing it. You will need to know the appropriate dimensions in order to ensure that it can both fit into the room and then fit into the assigned area. You will also need to read the manufacturer instructions to know where to secure new studs and boards.

Once the tub has been delivered, make sure that the new drain and overflow units will fit properly, and replace any damaged coverings which it will obscure once installed. With assistance, move the tub into position and slowly lower it into place. Connect the drain line before running the water to make sure that no leaks are apparent. Finally, you can replace the wall surfacing which was removed, then seal the tub in with caulking.

Removing and replacing a bathtub is something which some homeowners can do. Just make sure you follow this guide to help avoid any problems. If you have any concerns it is always wise to consult a qualified plumber.