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6 Bathroom Plants You’ll Hardly Ever Have To Water

Plants in the home not only look beautiful but can also clean the air for a healthier living space. Bathrooms have a difficult climate due to their fluctuating temperatures and humidity levels. Some bathrooms don’t even have a window for natural light. However, you shouldn’t have to leave your bathroom lifeless with no greenery, so we found six plants that can thrive in this environment in your home.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera plants are very durable and are notoriously hard to kill. These plants do not need much sunlight at all, in fact, too much can burn their leaves. They also don’t need much water as they retain a lot of it, so the daily humidity should be enough to keep your Aloe plant alive. Aloe Vera is extremely useful to have in the home as Natural Living Ideas report its gel can be used as a topical treatment for minor cuts and burns, insect bites, dry skin and more'.



If you have a small bathroom, orchids are ideal because they can fit in a small pot. They are best positioned by a window as they like natural light and are a beautiful ornamental plant to have. They add a touch of class to the room, making it feel like a luxury spa. An orchid’s natural environment is warm and humid which is why they live so well in bathrooms.

Snake plant

Snake plant

This plant grows upright so won’t take up additional space. They are also known as ‘Mother-in-law’s Tongue’ and are recognised by the white outline of the leaves. These plants are extremely hardy and are comfortable in most climates but can also exist with very little light. This makes them the perfect choice for small, dark bathrooms or ones without a window. Another great thing about snake plants is that they filter the air and remove toxins such as formaldehyde which is often found in cleaning products.

Peace Lily

Peace Lily

Peace Lilies are glossy and vibrant, with bright white flowers. They love a very humid environment so are best positioned near a steamy shower. However, The Joy of Plants says 'the natural humidity of the bathroom will help to keep it moist without the need to water it too often'. Though they thrive in low light, you should allow them to be exposed to indirect sunlight in order to stay healthy. Just like the snake plant, they are great for air purifying and filter out chemicals like benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde.

Spider plant

Spider plant

One of the most common houseplants, the spider plant is very adaptable and can survive in most conditions. They are particularly great for bathrooms because they help remove odours and fumes from the air which can be overpowering in a small, humid space. Spider plants require little care and can be placed anywhere as they do not need any certain amount of light to survive. They can be very dramatic looking and will grow as big as the container they are placed in, so choose carefully.



Bamboo is a lovely plant for a zen atmosphere in your bathroom. They thrive in low light so don’t place your plant near direct sun. You don’t even need to provide them with any soil- just place the stalks in a bowl or pot filled with pebbles and water, ensuring to change it every couple of days. You need to be careful not to let this plant grow too big, as they tend to get tall very quickly. You can stop this by placing it underneath a shelf or barrier which will keep it to a certain height. To add a feature to your bathroom, Homedit suggests 'You can also control their shape and create all sorts of interesting designs'.

Which plant do you have in your bathroom? How about growing your own plants at home?